Post a new match
To do this, you must have Chef / Admin rights on the Arena.
Contact Win the Match and we will arrange it: / 0708-86 48 94
Click on the gear symbol at the top right and select "Add match" .
Name the match and decide where in the tree it should be placed.
Click "Copy existing match" to create a copy of an existing match among those you are authorized to. Check what information you want to include.
Under the Access tab, you can customize the permissions for a match, ie set which access users should get to this and other matches in the same arena.
Click on "Save" and the match is now in the tree structure which you will find under the symbol with an arrow at the top left of the match name.
Under Change arena , you can also change the default setting to limit the access a user in a match has to other matches in the arena. It is then of course possible for individual matches to make exceptions from the arena's settings, according to the setting described in the point above.
Post Result and Control Measures
Navigate to the current match in the tree structure that you find under the symbol with an arrow at the top left of the match name.
Click on "Add…" at the top right.
Select "New chart…"
Choose whether it should be a Result or Control measure.
"Hidden diagram" , click it and it will be the diagram dolt. But can is displayed by clicking the button "Show hidden" which show up at the bottom right below the charts. Changes an existing chart to hidden so it continues to be fed with data and can be displayed again when it should be in focus later on. The function can also be used to display measurements that provide in-depth information, then becomes a way to reduce the number of visible measurements which is in focus.
Fill in "Name" for the measurement number. Tip: Start the names with R1, R2, etc. for the Result measures and K1, K2, etc. for the control measures and it will be easier to see which measure an improvement is linked to and to control the order in which they are displayed. Otherwise they end up in alphabetical order.
"Description" is an explanatory subheading that appears when "mouse-over" above the symbol (i) after the name of the measurement number in the measure. The same goes for “Measurement method” which is a memory note to note how data is entered into the measure.
“Unit” is the unit for the measurement number that will be displayed on the y-axis (eg SEK,%, number, etc).
“Frequency” is how often the measure should be reported in the diagram (unit for the x-axis).
NOTE! You can not change the frequency after values have been entered, exists for example a value entered for weekly it is not possible to change to monthly. If you want to change the frequency, you have to create a new diagram and then delete the original. You can transfer data from one chart to another by first exporting data from the first measure and then entering that data into the new measure and then summarizing after the new measure the frequency i.e. the period.
"Scale" is the value scale to be displayed on the y-axis (eg 50-100%). Hip with a start value and it can be adjusted later when the data has started to come in. Can be changed quickly. You can also choose to tick in automatic scale, then the scale adapts to which measured values and target / action limits are entered in the diagram.
"Moving average" is used if data varies very. You then get the mean of the last x points instead of the last value. If the function is set to 1, each point becomes the last value. It is also possible to select whether individual measured values are to be displayed, in which case click on that selection.
"Show charts from - to" : is the time during which the chart should be displayed. It is normal to define the start date of a chart and leave the end date blank (for now). If you want to change the chart later, an end date is set for the old chart and a start date for the new one. If you then navigate in time, there will be different diagrams during different periods, just as the goal control looked like at the current time.
Under "Data source" you choose how data will enter the WC.
"Manual Data Entry" means that data is entered manually under the Data tab, see "Entering Data" below.
"Automatic data import" is used when data is to be loaded into the system either via VM robot or emailed directly via csv file.
"Data from a survey" is used if data comes from a survey that is then created in the measurement number, see "Create a survey" below.
"Aggregate data (sum)" is used when data is to be summed from other metrics. For example. if a department has three teams that all measure sales, you can sum up the total in a diagram in the department match. Once you have selected this function and clicked save, you can then choose which sources, ie measurements from which data is to be retrieved and aggregated. Select sources via the chart's disk symbol in the menu bar (looks like stacked coins). Click "add" and link them measurements from which data is to be retrieved. NOTE! Unit and frequency must be the same in the diagrams for it to be possible to aggregate.
"Aggregate data (average)", works in the same way as aggregated data sum, but gives the mean value instead of the sum from the sources.
Data from survey responses (sum) , through which a diagram can be fed with data from another diagram's survey. It can be data from one or more questions for the question type "Question with answer scale" or "Number value" which are then summed up. Then select sources as described in point 4 above.
Data from survey responses (means) , works in the same way as data from survey responses sum, but gives the mean value instead of the sum from the sources.
When you are done with the settings, click on "Save" and diagram t is s cut.
Copy or Mirror existing chart
The Copy Chart feature allows you to make a copy of a chart with or without data and uploaded files.
The Mirror chart function enables you to create a copy that is mirrored, ie changes are made to the original chart and these changes are automatically followed to the mirrored one. the diagram.

In-depth manual
Enter goals and action limit
Click on the gear in the measurement / diagram and select "Change limits" .
Click on the box under "From" and enter the date from when the goal will apply. The goal is valid until a new goal with a "From" date is created.
Enter value for Objective (green status limit) and Action (red status limit).
Yellow status will be the interval in between.
“Objective 2” and “Action 2” are used for double-sided objectives (used where it is desirable to be in a range between a maximum and a minimum value).
If you want to create a sloping goal curve for e.g. accumulated sales during the months of the year:
Enter the monthly goal as above and then select the function "Set Accumulated" and select Amount then goals and action limits will also be accumulated.
If you have different goals for eg every week or month and want to enter a whole year, it is good to email an Excel file in csv format to the system. More about this can be found under the heading " Submission to the WC via csv " below.
Accumulated chart
Under the button which shows two lines (next to the gear in the diagram) you select whether the diagram should be displayed in time series or as accumulated.
Click on "Set accumulated" .
Check the box "Show accumulated" and select whether it should be displayed as "Sum" or "Medium".
"Accumulated (sum)" means that the diagram shows the accumulated outcome for the values entered for the selected period.
“Accumulated (average)” means that the chart instead shows the average value for the selected period.
You can also choose whether individual measured values are to be displayed, in which case click in that box.
Then select in the list which accumulation period you want - select your own period or default periods from week to year.
If the previous period is to be shown in the diagram for comparison, you tick that box.
If you have selected your own accumulation period, you then set the period in the fields "Show accumulated from - to" where you specify for what time the accumulation is to take place. Used, for example, for measurements linked to a broken accounting period.
“Scale (accumulated)” returns the scale on the y-axis for accumulated display. For example; a chart with the frequency month and the trend scale 0-10 should be given the scale about 0 to 120 for a one-year accumulation period. You can also select automatic scale, then tick that box instead.
Note that it is possible to switch between the different display modes “Show time series” or “ Show accumulated.” The settings remain so just tick the desired display mode.
Enter reference line
It is possible to enter one or more reference lines in the diagrams - for example, reward goals or industry sections. Appears as a blue-dashed line in the chart. The Change references option can be found under the diagram's menu bar and the "gear" button. Reference lines that vary a lot, for example every week, can most easily be added by emailing the values in a csv file. Contact us at Vinna Matchen and we will help you.
Change in diagrams, goals and action limits as well as reference line
Diagram: Click on the gear to the right of the diagram and select "Change diagram".
Update the information to be changed and click "Save".
In the "Move" tab on the far right, you can move a result / control measure to another match.
Objectives and action limit: Click on the gear in the diagram and select "Change limits".
To adjust the existing target. Click on the note symbol with "pen and paper" and enter new values.
Click on the symbol with "a check mark" to save and then "Close".
Reference line: Click on the gear in the diagram and select “Change references”.
To adjust the existing reference line. Click on the note symbol with "pen and paper" and then click again on the note symbol with "pen and paper" for the value to be changed. Enter new values.
Click on the symbol with "a check mark" to save and then "Close".
A. The questionnaire is answered via e-mail - Standing mailing
In the Respondents field, enter the e-mail addresses of those who will receive the mailing. You can paste a semicolon or row separated email list.
Then choose which name it should be as the sender, ie the one displayed instead of the email address used by the web application. You can also enter your own answer address, which the respondents answer via e-mail if they have any questions about the survey. If this is not changed, these emails go to an email address that is not monitored.
In the message field you write your personal message ie the text in that email sent out. The subject of the email is created automatically and is the same as the title of the survey.
Then specify how often the questionnaire should be sent out, on what day and time and when the first mailing will start. If you want to limit the time period for when automatic surveys are to be sent out, it is also possible to set a last dispatch date. Depending on what is chosen during how often the questionnaire should be sent out, a number of choices arise: how often the questionnaire should be repeated, which day of the week the questionnaire should be sent out and which day of the month the questionnaire should be sent out.
The option "Measurement point in the diagram where the answers are summed up" is there to be able to control whether, for example, a questionnaire is sent out at the beginning of the month but the answer refers to the month before. Then you usually want the answer to be in the measuring point in the diagram for the previous month and not in the current month. The default value 0 thus means the same day / week / month etc as the dispatch date. If the value is set to 1, the answer is entered in the period before (day / week / month, etc.).
Then specify how long the survey should be open for answers, this information will also be included in the email sent to the respondents, together with the survey link and your own message.
If a respondent's unique questionnaire link is to be able to be answered several times, ie one and the same respondent is to be able to submit several answers to the questionnaire, the option "The respondent can respond several times to each questionnaire" is ticked. If this is not done, a respondent may who have already answered their questionnaire and then again click on their questionnaire link first a message stating that the questionnaire has already been answered and that the previous answer is overwritten if they choose to answer the questionnaire again.
The option "Reminders in the event of no answer" is checked three additional choices. Then you can control when the first reminder should be sent out, if the reminders after the first should be repeated every x days as long as the survey is open. Then select maximum number of subsequent reminders to be sent out in total. NOTE! too many reminders are not good.
You can choose the text that is displayed on the web page that opens as the end page when the survey is saved. If you do not change, it will automatically be the text "Thank you for helping us to become better".
You also have the opportunity to on the same closing page add to two URL links, for example to tell those who responded to the survey about, for example, your own FAQ page, campaign website or the link to your improvement suggestion form.
By default, the answers are displayed in random order without a timestamp, but you can choose whether the answers are to be displayed in order with a timestamp by checking "Show the answers in random order without an exact timestamp".
A link is automatically generated on the closing page where the respondent can view and download a copy of their survey response.
B. The questionnaire is answered via e-mail - One-time mailing
Equal alternative A, but here a time is determined when the questionnaire is to be sent out to a specific mailing list.
C. The questionnaire is answered in another way
First decide how the answers are to be entered in the diagram, ie in which period / measuring point they belong to by specifying how many days into the next period the answers are to be moved back to the previous period. Based on the diagram's frequency, ie day / week / month, etc.
You can choose for the respondent to be able to change for which period he or she wants to enter a survey response for by ticking "Allow change of input period". Then a row with a calendar function is added to the beginning of the survey.
As "End Page" there are three options to choose from:
Show the text below and a button to bring up a new survey.
2. A new survey is displayed automatically and even after 30 seconds of inactivity.
Only the text below is displayed.
For the selection "Questionnaire answered in another way", there is also a field that shows the survey's unique survey code. With the help of it, it is also possible to log in and respond to the survey via . Useful function for, for example, evaluations at the end of a seminar / education.
For options 1 and 3 above, you can select text that is displayed on a web page when the survey is saved. If you do not change, it will automatically be the text "Thank you for helping us to become better". For option 2, a “thank you page” for the answer provided is quickly displayed before a new survey is displayed.
You also have the opportunity to on the final website add to two URL links for example to tip them over your own FAQ page, campaign website or the link to your action form so that they can submit an improvement proposal. A link is automatically generated on the closing page where the respondent can see and download a copy of their survey response.
By default, the answers are displayed in random order without a timestamp, but you can choose whether the answers are to be displayed in order with a timestamp by checking "Show the answers in random order without an exact timestamp".
A tip to quickly get the respondents to the survey is to make a QR code from the survey web link, there are free sites on the Internet that convert web pages to QR codes. The QR code is scanned with the mobile phone's camera (iPhone) or a QR code app and the respondent then easily receives the survey.
Create a survey
Select Data source "Data from survey" when creating the chart or click on the gear and "Change chart" for an existing chart.
By clicking on the survey symbol in the diagram's menu bar, ie the button with a document to the left of the gear symbol, you can select " Change survey" where there are two tabs.
Under the tab "Questionnaire" you can:
In the top row is information that becomes the title of the survey and info texts. Click on the writing pad to the right of the questionnaire's header line to adjust the heading text, explanatory text and specify what the extremes on the scale mean. For example: 1 = "Do not agree at all" and 10 = "Completely agree" on a scale of 1-10, where the questions are formulated as statements. Note that the scale for the survey is governed by the scale selected when the measurement number / diagram was created. Can be changed before the questionnaire response is received via the metric / chart button with the gear, select there "Change chart".
Add new questions, there are seven question types:
"Section heading" provides a heading for a number of questions. Used if you have many questions and want to get a better structure on the survey.
"Question with answer scale" provides answer alternatives according to scale. It is also possible to select face symbols as answer options but then only up to scale 1-7, that setting is default for scale 1-7. By default, "Include in index" is checked, ie the answer is included in the diagram's input data. If the survey contains questions that should not be included in the chart's index and / or should only be reported in another chart, that box is ticked. Read about how data is retrieved from another diagram's survey in the section Post Results and Control Measures.
Open question ” provides the opportunity to enter the answer as free text.
"Question with answer options (drop-down menu)" gives the opportunity to write which answer options you can choose from in the survey, one of these answer options is then selected by the respondent via a drop-down menu. When the answer options are entered they should be separated by a comma.
"Question with answer options (check boxes)" provides the option to specify answer options that the respondent can choose from via checkboxes, then set enter how many answers are allowed to select via min-max. When the answer options are entered, they must be separated by commas.
"Numeric value" creates a response field where the respondent can only answer with a numeric value. By entering permissible values min - max it is possible to control reasonable input values, useful for example if values are to be entered in SEK thousand instead of SEK. The numeric value field goes also to use as an input form, ie a way to get data into diagrams / measurements that are not can be loaded automatically via our robot. For example "How many customer meetings have you had this week?".
"Date" , then the entry of the date and its format is controlled by opening a calendar from which a date is selected.
If "New page" is selected, that question will be displayed on a new page, which the respondent reaches by displaying the "New page" button at the bottom right.
Then choose whether the question should be mandatory or not. Mandatory means that the survey can not be saved if answers are omitted. In the case of a survey divided into different sections, it is also not possible to proceed to the next section without the mandatory questions being filled in.
It is possible for each question to add a button "Refuses to answer (do not know / not relevant / not participated / no opinion)". In this way, questions can be made mandatory even though some do not need or can answer that particular question.
For the question type "Question with answer scale (x - x)", there is the choice to use face symbols instead of numbers, but only up to seven selectable options.
Because a survey questions can feed one or more other diagrams / measurements with data, it is possible to choose whether questions with an answer scale should be included in that diagram's index or not.
Should the question be conditional, ie only shown when certain conditions are met, then it is controlled it for each question via the field located at the bottom, the default is "Always show this question / heading". There you can set which of the others the questions as an answer that should control whether a question is displayed or not.
Select the order of the questions, via the drop-down list to the left of the question heading, if the question is to be inserted among already posted questions. Default is that new questions end up last in the question list.
If you want to change a question afterwards, just click on that question's change symbol (the writing pad, ie a square with a pen pointing up to the right), make the desired changes and then click on the save button symbol (a "tick"). Via the symbol "trash" a question is removed. Note that in case the survey already used and a question is deleted, the answer to that question is also deleted on the page "Show answer". If many questions are to be changed in a survey, it is better to post a new measure or copy the current measure and then make changes, in this way the old answers remain in it. first measure.
Under the tab "Settings" you can:
Initially, there are three alternatives to decide on based on how the survey is to be distributed and used.
A. The questionnaire is answered by e-mail - Standing mailing:
If this option is selected, it is possible to decide when and how often a survey should be emailed out to one mailing list.
B. The questionnaire is answered by e-mail - One-time mailing:
Same as alt A above but only a time-controlled mailing is made.
C. The questionnaire is answered in another way:
Select where the survey is to be used in one of the following ways:
In a survey station in tablet.
Via the respondents are encouraged to go to Vinna Matchen's login page for surveys and enter the code of the survey. The code appears if you select this option (is an easier way to directly answer a questionnaire after, for example, an education, ie fill in a course evaluation)
Send the questionnaire via a separate e-mail to the respondents where the questionnaire link, ie the questionnaire's unique web address, is copied into the e-mail and sent out.
By producing a QR code for the survey web link, there are free sites on the Internet that convert web pages to QR codes. The QR code is scanned with the mobile phone's camera (eg iPhone) or a QR code app and the respondent then easily receives the survey.
For options A and B the web application keeps track of who answered the survey, which enables reminders. If a mailing is bounced at the e-mail address, this can be seen as well as the information that came with the bounce e-mail, see below under section Show response history. It is possible to supplement survey responses by adding new respondents and by emailing out a survey link that is not linked to any respondent's email address.
View survey responses and manage response history
Each new survey response updates the value of the current measurement point depending on the frequency (eg week, month, year) selected when the chart was created.
Via the questionnaire symbol, ie the button with a notebook in the menu bar of the diagram, there are the following choices:
"Open survey"
"Show answers"
"Response history" (only for the mailings sent via the WC to entered e-mail addresses)
"Download answers to excel"
"Change survey"
Show answers
The answers that have been received are continuously displayed here. Each survey has its own unique "Show Answers" website. Only those who have Chef / admin authority at Arena level can remove individual survey responses. If a question is removed in the survey, they also disappear from this display page.
Response history
For questionnaires sent to respondents whose e-mail addresses have been entered as a mailing list in the web application, it is shown here continuously if answers have been received for each e-mail address.
At the top left you choose which mailing as you want to watch, what is shown is always the latest. Is the survey ongoing, ie open for answers, it is also possible here to add respondents / email addresses who will then immediately receive a questionnaire. Then there is also the opportunity to add that respondent to the mailing list for future mailings, if it is a recurring survey. As long as the questionnaire is open for answers, it is also possible to open a questionnaire via the field "Complete entry" to via this survey web link manually make additional entries. Copy the survey's web address and email it yourself to those who will respond to the survey. These answers are then not linked to any unique email address, but the number of entries via this function is displayed in the respondent list.
The respondents linked to the mailing are listed in the first column. The column "Number of answers" shows who answered and whether several answers per respondent are allowed for the survey also shows how many times they answered. You can also see when the last mailing was made, including mailings for any reminders. The number of reminders that have expired is reported as well as e-mails.
In the column "Email bounce" you click on the text / link that is in the line for e-mail addresses that have bounced and then a pop-up box appears where the text that the e-mail bounce contained is displayed. It goes further then to delete the respondent from the current mailing and also from the mailing list, ie future questionnaire mailings. If the email address needs to be changed, it can be done at the same time and then also add the new address / respondent to future questionnaires.
Via the trash, respondents are removed from the current mailing.
Download answers to Excel
Via this function, you can download all survey responses as an Excel file.
Link in documents
To link / load up a document such as a budget and / or business plan in a diagram is made by clicking on the gem symbol in the upper heading of the diagram.
Click on "Select file" and go to the current document and select.
Then click on "Upload" .
All uploaded documents are then listed under the clip symbol / button and the heading "Files". The number of files uploaded is shown in the gem symbol as a number.
The "Process" function makes it possible to quickly and easily draw up the workflow for how to work with goal control. Details such as: Checklist for preparation for goal management meeting, Agenda for goal management meeting, etc can be easily documented and linked to the process step. The user accesses the information by clicking on the process image.
To create a process:
Click on "Add" to create a process and enter a name on the process, choose if you want to create a new process or copy an existing process in a match for which you are the Manager / admin. Then select "Add" to save the new process.
Then click on "New step +" and enter input to the process, e.g. "Last week's outcome" in the field "Headline". "Heading" is what should be in the process box. The first step is always input and the last output.
Click again on "New step" and describe the first process step.
Description is text that is visible if you click on the process image. Here you can enter details of what is to be done, eg checklist for preparations for the goal management meeting. The field can be left blank.
"Responsible" is the person or persons who are responsible for carrying out the work in the process step, eg "Supervisor". The task is visible on top of the process box.
"Time" is when the process step is to be performed, e.g. "Mån fm", "Månadsvis", etc. The information is visible under the process box.
The far left number box is used to control the display order between the process steps.
The number box on the right is used if you want to put two process steps in parallel. If one process step is called 3: 1 and another 3: 2, the latter ends up directly below the other.
Via the button with the clip symbol, you can also add attachments, such as checklists and templates, that belong to that process. The number of attachments can be seen in the number to the right of the button with the "save symbol" .
This function is intended to be used once or a few times a year when you want to go deeper and analyze how you can take further steps to improve the results and control measures. Many work with a process where this is done quarterly. During the quarter, the outcome is monitored, often weekly, and immediate improvement measures are taken.
The analysis function makes it possible to get a quick overview of how to approach the goals for a slightly longer period of time, such as the last quarter. The goals that require in-depth analysis are then quickly identified. Then there is support for specifying how the analysis should be done (e.g. which reports to go into) and the conclusions of the analysis as well as suggestions for improvement measures. The analyzes remain so that you can go back and look at what it looked like in a previous quarter and what conclusions the analysis then resulted in. The information on how the analysis of a certain measure should be done does not need to be filled in every time but is saved in the system.
To create a new analysis
Click on " Add " and enter the date for the analysis period "from", "to". Save.
Click the down arrow at the far right to expand the analysis information. The system now picks out the metrics that have low target fulfillment and require extra attention. The limit for this is set to metrics where more than 30% of the metering points have fallen outside the action limit (red).
Click on the (+) symbol to enter analysis and action needs and initiated actions for the various individual measures.
Under " Analysis - source and task ", note how the analysis should be done. Here you can enter "Take out report X and analyze the breakdown at the individual level". What you write here is saved until the next time an analysis is made.
NOTE! Just enter an analysis report in the field. If you want to go into another report, you create another analysis task by clicking on the (+) symbol again when this is done.
Under " Analysis - conclusions ", note in free text what you have come to when analyzing the report.
Under " Needs action ", proposals for measures that can be made based on the conclusions are noted.
Under " Initiated measures ", the measures that have been initiated are noted in the system.
If necessary, create another analysis task by clicking on the (+) symbol.
If you want to go in and analyze more measurements than the measurements that the system has pointed out, click on "Show all measurements" at the bottom right. If the browser is updated eg by clicking on any other tab in the system, the details are hidden again.
Minutes of the meeting
A user with authority Manager / admin at arena level can create their own templates for different types of checklists and meeting minutes such as the weekly goal management meeting. If a template for meeting minutes is posted in the arena, the Meeting minutes tab is displayed in the menu at the top. Otherwise, the tab is hidden and is displayed by expanding hidden menu tabs via the arrow symbol at the far right of the menu bar. Templates for meeting minutes are posted via the gear button at the top right of the menu bar.
Via the gear button at the top right of the web application, you select for Arena " Manage meeting protocol templates ".
Click on the (+) symbol and name the new template and choose to create an empty protocol template or to copy the existing protocol template.
Then click on the button with a document, ie change the symbol and under the Meeting Minutes tab, you then add minutes and section headings in the template. Under the Settings tab, the permission that is to be used as the default for the template is set. It is also possible to click on the option "Authorization can be changed when the protocol is added", ie that the person who then adds a new protocol must be able to change the authority of the individual protocol, ie deviate from the default authorization setting.
In your match and the menu tab Meeting minutes, you then add up a new protocol from one of your templates. Click on the " Add " button, select the protocol template, enter the name of the protocol, enter the date and, if necessary, change which authorization should apply and click on "Save".
The meeting minutes are then added to the list and then select "Open meeting minutes".
Enter e-mail addresses in the mailing list and click "Send".
This will open a window where you can enter a personal message and that you have the opportunity to choose which attachments are to be attached to the mailing.
Attachments are added to the meeting minutes via the "clip" symbol to the left of the "Open meeting minutes" button.
When a meeting protocol is emailed out either as an agenda before the meeting alt. filled in as minutes after the meeting, any response to that email will go to the user who emailed it out via the web application
Report - "Manager's overview"
These reports, also called the Manager's overview, are an important part of the continued goal management work and provide a clear overview of how each match is in terms of results and how the improvement work works. The different parts of the report are presented here:
Match: Here, each match that is ranked from the outside is presented goal control points. To the right of the name is the previous ranking or if the match is completely new in the list.
Goal management points: Each match gets a goal control point where the scale is 1-100. The point is a combination of how well the goals of the performance and control measures have been achieved, how much data has been updated, that there are goals set for the measures and the number of improvements in the system, both ongoing, new and completed.
Goal achievement Result measure & Control measure: The score for goal fulfillment is calculated on the basis of how the different measuring points in each diagram were against the goal and action limits during the relevant time period. Each point gets points based on:
RED = 0 points
Yellow = 5 points
Green = 10 points
For each diagram, an average value is calculated, which thus ends up between 1-10. The target fulfillment points are then calculated as the average value of all performance and control measures, respectively.
What is also important for the goal control points is how well the process is managed. There is a set limit for when you consider that the process does not work and then a signal is given in the form of a red flag to illuminate this.
Out of date data & missing targets: In the goal control score, the proportion of data that is updated is counted as part of the score. Data that is out of date receives a red flag if the value exceeds 25% of all data. Missing goals also have an impact on goal management points. Since no measure should lack targets, the limit value is set to 0%.
Improvements: The number of improvements that are ongoing, new or completed are also included in the goal control points.
The limits for red-flagged values have default values, but the limits can be changed. The boundaries appear under the Gear and "Generate reports".
Calculation of goal control points
The calculation of the goal control points is done by weighing together all parts of the goal control and how the process is managed. Goal fulfillment for performance measures is weighed most heavily by factor 6, goal fulfillment for control measures with factor 3 and an additional 10 points based on each red flag of un updated data, missing goals and improvements. This in turn gives a measure between 0-100.
Weighting without control measure is 6-0-1 (Goal fulfillment Result measure - Goal fulfillment Control measure - Red Warnings).
Goal control points then become = 10 * ((Goal fulfillment Result measure * 6) + (0) + (10 - (Red Warnings * 2))) / 7
Work methods around the Manager's overview
Winning the match generates the report and leaves comments.
Winning The match changes status when we are finished.
A signal is given to the arena manager that the report is available for processing by the arena manager.
Arena manager leaves his own comments and changes status to "Done".
Signal is given to managers for each match that the report is ready to be displayed.
Manage users
Users of the matches are administered by clicking on the gear symbol at the top right and select " Manage users " either in the current match or for the entire arena.
Click on " Add… " to add a new user.
You can now choose between setting up a personal account or a public account shared by several people.
Then select the permission level with rights according to the table below.
Click on "Save" and the new user will be posted.
If it is a personal account, the user will now automatically receive an email with instructions on how to choose a password.
If the person is already posted, no email will be sent out.
In general:
All users have "User - Limited" privileges in all matches within an arena.
Users have the same right in the underlying matches as in the main match they are registered for.
Arena-level rights take effect in all arena matches.
The exceptions where users have rights in matches they are not users of are shown below.
Users who are posted with the permission Guest only has access to the match on which he is posted as a user.
Settings action
The action module is designed to be able to offer a high degree of customer adaptation. Some parts can be set by the customer himself and others are set by Vinna Matchen.
Possible settings at arena level:
Select the number and name of the action columns between which the actions are moved depending on the current status of the action.
Choose which case types are to be available, such as Improvement, Deviation, Accident, Incident, Customer point of view and in which matches these are to be displayed.
For each case type, the entry field of the entry form can be customized per arena. The case types can also be provided with their own color marking in the upper left corner of the action cards.
Post your own tags to link the actions to.
Set up an action template for actions that are recurring in the business.
Action columns
The default set that is the default for the columns is Incoming, Not Completed, Pending, Ongoing, Follow-up and Completed. These can be supplemented with additional columns of these types. All columns can also be renamed. Contact Win the Match and we will help you make customer adjustments.
Case types
Based on your needs, it is possible to post the types of cases you want. There are 12 ready-made templates for case types to choose from, all of which have a default setting of fill fields that can be customized. These fill fields can be selected to be displayed or not based on which status column the measure is in and whether these should be mandatory to answer or not in the various status columns (mandatory fields are marked with *).
Case names can also be customized and a help text can be added that is visible during "mouse-over".
The case types can also be provided with their own color marking in the upper left corner of the action cards.
You can set up your own action templates for the different case types. Used for measures that are recurring in the business. This is done via the button with the gears at the top right and the option Manage Actions, however, requires Manager / admin permission. Click on an action type such as Improvement to edit it and in the view that then appears, select the Templates tab, which is at the far right. Click on the New template option and enter the name of the action and add any sub-actions. You can also preset for these sub-actions how many days they should have until the deadline. The template will then be visible in the web form to the right of the field with the selected action type.
Contact Win the Match and we will help you activate the case types and make any customer adjustments.
It is possible to post your own tags for an arena if you want to be able to tag measures with a different division than linking these to the measure or measures the measure creates value for.
Contact Win the Match and we will help you post these.
External action form
Each arena and match has a unique web form for entering new actions. Via the form, the action is added directly to a match. All case types are reported via one and the same web form.
You who send out questionnaires to employees via the Win Match, such as the Workflow questionnaire, can also add to the action form link in the following web page that is displayed after the questionnaire response has been saved, for example with the link text "Click here to submit an improvement proposal". You make this addition to the extent that the survey is under the button with the gears and the selection Change survey and then select the Settings tab.
Find the action form
Click the gear button among the menu buttons at the top right of the web application.
Via the selection " Manage action form… " you select either the form for the entire arena or the one that applies to a match, which then includes any sub-matches.
You can deselect matches in which it is not possible to add actions by unchecking these in the check box.
Then click on the link " Open action form ".
Copy the URL link / address in the browser.
Post the URL link / address in any place, for example on the intranet or make sure that the employees upload the form as an "app" / icon in the mobile or tablet, see info below.
Alt makes a QR code of the action form's web link via eg:
Upload the action form as "app" / icon in mobile or tablet
You advantageously uploads the link to the action form's website as an icon in the mobile phone or tablet and thus, like an app, gets an easy and fast way to the form.
As the form does not require a login, it can also be used by people who are not registered as users in Vinna Matchen's web application.
Open the form via mobile or tablet. Then follow the instructions below depending on the type of operating system.
For Iphone:
Go to the action form's website.
Click on the symbol "square with up arrow" at the bottom.
Scroll between the options at the bottom and select the "Add to home screen" option.
You can select the name of the icon and then have a link to the action form on your device's home screen.
For Android:
Go to the action form's website.
Click on the symbol "three vertical dots" at the top right.
Select the "Add to home screen" option.
You can select the name of the icon and then have a link to the action form on your device's home screen.
Mata in data
Enter data manually
Navigate to the current match in the tree structure and click on the menu tab " Data ".
Navigate to the month / week / day to be entered via the button for time navigation to the right of the Data heading.
You can either go directly to the current time or step with the arrows to the right and left.
Enter the values and press "Enter" or click "Save". The charts are now updated.
Tip! Use Tab to jump to the next field.
Enter data via the Win Match's built-in form
Via our built-in survey tool, it is also easy to enter data into different diagrams / measurements. The standard is that the survey provides input data, as the respondents respond to the survey, to the extent that it is structured. But it is also possible to let a survey feed one or more diagrams / measures of data, see the section for the survey. The function is used, for example to automate the sending of an input form to someone in the organization who, with a certain periodicity, must submit data to one or more diagrams / measurements.
Automatic data import
Most common is that data is loaded directly from your various systems. This is usually done very easily via our robot. Contact us at Vinna Matchen and we will help you create a bridge.
Manage visualization views
Design your own visualizations to show on screens in your business. In a scrolling image series, you can choose to display one or more metrics per image and / or own uploaded images and to show the action tab with a match's action as a separate image. The function "Manage visualization views" can be found via the button with the gears at the top right of the web application under the section Arena. However, requires user authorization Manager / admin at Arena level.
click The "Add" button and then the tab opens "Visualization view". There you enter a name, choose whether the web link that is linked to the visualization should be password protected or not and then you add as via "Add" button to the frames you want to display in the slideshow.
Put a title on the image and select the type of image it is - Diagram / Image / Actions. Then choose how many seconds that image should be displayed. If it is an image with diagrams, you can then choose how many rows and columns the image should contain and then select which diagrams / dimensions are to be displayed. You can choose between these designs for Result or Control measures. Then continue to add to additional images and specify the number of seconds each image is displayed.
When the number of pictures is ready so click on "Ok" button. Under the "Settings" tab you can choose whether Logo, Image title, Time and Screen info should be displayed in the slide show. When the visualization view is saved, you click on its name and that web page opens. Copy the URL / URL and set the screen to display this so your visualization is complete.
If you then want to change the slide show, do so via the change symbol and use the trash to delete a visualization view.
Import data and files to VM via csv file
Below is the description of the formats for importing data, limits, references and files to the charts in Vinna Matchen. NOTE! In order to be able to email in and import data, you as a user need to be prepared with that right.
All imports are via email to and all attached csv files are processed.
All data and all files are overwritten if they already exist.
To import data, a row in an attached csv file must contain 3 column fields in the following order:
MeasurementID; Date; Value
To import borders, a row in an attached csv file must contain 4 or 6 column fields in the following order:
MeasurementID; Date; TargetValue; ActionValue
MeasurementID; Date; TargetValue; ActionValue; TargetValue2; ActionValue2
To import a reference value, a row in an attached csv file must contain 4 column fields in the following order:
MeasurementID; ReferenceName; Date; ReferenceValue
To import a file, the file must be attached to the email and a row in an attached csv file must contain 2 column fields in the following order :
MeasurementID; FileName
To import a file with limited privileges, which means that only administrators can read it or not, the csv file must contain four column fields as follows:
In a row in a csv file, these four column fields must then be present.
- The first column field should contain the text Measurement-File.
- The second column field must contain the ID of the measurement number / diagram to which the file is to be imported.
- The third column field must contain the file name of the file to be uploaded, the volcano will then also be attached to the email.
- The fourth column bar should contain the text True or False and decide whether the file should have limited privileges or not.
Field explanation:
MeasurementID = ID of the chart (integer greater than 0)
Date = Date (in yyyy-mm-dd format)
Value = Decimal - NULL to delete the value / record for the Date Date)
ReferenceName = Name of the reference (max 100 characters)
FileName = File name (cannot contain the following characters: "<> |: *? \ /)

Winning the Match is based on basic ideas from TQM, Lean and balanced scorecards that during 25 years of application work in most industries have since been refined into a winning concept.