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We help you reach all the way within


We at Vinna Matchen have over 25 years of experience working with process development in many different industries. With us as support, you get wind in the sails and avoid the pitfalls and reach your own example of success quickly and cost-effectively.

In many organizations, process development has become somewhat diffuse. Most people are positive to the basic idea, but what it really means and how to proceed in practice is unclear. We have learned that the best way to move forward is to create clear examples of success in your own organization. Properly implemented, process development will be perceived as a concrete and logical way to achieve clear improvement effects. The meaning of functioning process ownership goes from theoretically abstract to simple and practically feasible.

"Great commitment and good issues that made us think objectively and gain new perspectives"

Sandra Lindgren

Customer Service Manager, Nomor AB



Appoint process

Choose a process with a need for improvement and staff the process work



Map the current situation and produce the current situation and a list of improvements. Decide how to measure before and after.


Ongoing support

During completion and the introduction of process as well establishment of  ownership. Measurement of improvement.



Summary of achieved results and experiences.

The workshop is conducted during a day with you. Other remotely via web meetings and emails, where you control the scope based on need. Implementation should take place over a period of 3-6 months. We provide a clear structure with supporting templates and free access to Vinna Matchen's web application during the work. The structure is generally walkable and can, if necessary, be easily adapted to any system support when then working with more processes.

If you want to learn more about process orientation, as a basic principle for business development and business renewal, this book written by the company Vinna Matchen's founder Olof Rentzhog is recommended. The book is based on the results of three years of studies of how organizations in Sweden and the USA work in the area.

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