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Basic manual

Sign in

When you log in, you end up directly in your own match. If a user is posted at arena level, that user ends up when logging in to the first match based on alphabetical order.

You can navigate between matches by clicking on the list symbol in the upper left corner. If you have access to several arenas (match trees) you will see the matches and arenas that are available.

All users can watch all matches in one arena. Users with Manager / admin rights have editing rights for their own match and for underlying matches.

Users with Manager / admin rights can post new matches and users. All users can  make suggestions for action in all matches.

Sign in >>

You can either log in with a general user ID or with your individual e-mail.


If your organization has chosen to use general login, contact the system administrator for the correct information.


If you have chosen to use individual logins, you must have received an email with instructions on how to choose a password. Forgot your password? Click "Forgot your password?" you will receive an email with information on how to choose a new one. You will not receive an email  are you not registered as a user. In that case, contact the system administrator who sets you up as a user.

Performance measures

The performance measures are linked to what the unit's / department's activities are about. To succeed with these is to win your match. Use the group's competence and creativity to constantly strive for an improvement of the performance measures. Focus on trends more than individual outcomes.

  • The status symbol (face) shows how to approach the target and the action limit for the most recent measuring point:

    1. Green means that the goal is reached.

    2. Yellow means that the action limit is reached but not the goal.

    3. Red means that the action limit is not reached, which requires action.


  • If you click on the Status symbol (face) in a measure, you are automatically moved to the Action tab where the measures / improvements that are tagged for that measure have been filtered out. Click on the symbol with a +, in the title bar of any status column, to create a new action / enhancement.

  • In the menu of measurements there is a button with two intersecting lines, via it you can switch between showing time series or accumulated. It is also possible via that button (requires Chef / admin permission), to set how the accumulated is to be displayed.

  • Via the button with the paper clip, it is possible to open up any documents that have been uploaded in the measure. The figure shows how many appendices there are.

  • If there is a comment linked to a measuring point, that point has a ring around it, see separate section Comments.

  • Via the symbol with an "i" that has a ring around it, is to the right of the name of the measure, further info about the measure can be read. Then use the function  "mouse over".

  • Any measurements that are hidden can easily be temporarily accessed by clicking on the "Show hidden" button which is located at the bottom right under the measurements.

  • The diagrams can be moved between the tabs Performance Measures and Control Measures, but also between different activities / matches. This is done via the diagrams' menu button with the gears and the option Change diagram.


  • It is possible to  lay  up  diagram / measurement number behind another to, for example, break down and show the outcome per unit / group. These are accessed via a button in the diagram at the bottom left and displayed in a pop-up window. If any of the outcomes of the underlying metrics are below the action line and are "red", it is visible in the color of the button, as is the number of metrics.


Manage actions


You handle your case types and their actions under the Actions tab.

The web application is adapted to be able to maintain the analog working method but in a digital environment - a so-called digital lean board. You have moved the action cards between you in a status column or between status columns by clicking and dragging the symbol with arrows  in four directions, the symbol is located  at the top right of the action cards .

Anyone who is set up as a whistleblower and / or responsible for a measure or a partial measure receives notifications via e-mail. Partly when they are posted via someone else as an informant and / or responsible and partly when the action card changes status column, for example from Incoming to Ongoing.

Here you can:

  • Post and handle different types of cases such as Improvement, Deviation, Accidents, Incidents, Customer point of view (case types in addition to Improvement must first be added via the main menu under the section Manage actions).

  • Link the actions to your own uploaded tags (tags must first be added below via the main menu under the section Manage actions).

  • Copy, Tip and Move actions between matches.

  • Divide an action between multiple matches / activities.

  • Filter and search for actions.

Hantera åtgärder

Control measures

Control measures are indicators that we need to monitor. As long as they are "green", you do not need to put any energy on them, but if they are "red", it causes action.

  • To see a trend of a control measure, ie the development over time, click on the button with two intersecting lines in the lower left corner of each diagram. Then a line diagram over time is visible via a pop-up window, ie measured values for several measuring points back in time. If a measurement number flags red, it is then possible to evaluate whether it is a one-time problem or if there are any more basic concerns.

  • Then click on the Status symbol (face) to move to the Action tab and at the same time filter out the actions / improvements that are tagged to that measure. Click on the symbol with a +, in the title bar of any status column, to create a new action / enhancement.


  • In the menu of measurements there is a button with two intersecting lines, via it you can switch between showing time series or accumulated. It is also possible, for users with the permission of Manager / admin, to set how accumulated is to be displayed via that button.  

  • If there is a comment linked to a measuring point, that point has a ring around it, see separate section Comments.

  • Via the symbol with an "i" which has a ring around it and which is to the right of the name of the measure, further info about the measure can be read. Then use the "mouse over" function.

  • Via the symbol with an "i" which has a ring around it and which is located to the right of the date stamp which shows when the latest data is entered, a pop-up box can show the data of the diagram via a "mouse-over". It then shows the period's target / action limit, reference values, the previous year's outcome and any accumulated values.

  • Any measurements that are hidden can easily be temporarily accessed by clicking on the "Show hidden" button which is located at the bottom right under the measurements.


  • The diagrams can be moved between the tabs Performance Measures and Control Measures, but also between different activities / matches. This is done via the diagrams' menu button with the gears and the option Change diagram.


  • It is possible to put up diagrams / measurement figures behind another to, for example, break down and show the outcome per unit / group. These are accessed via a button in the diagram at the bottom left and displayed in a pop-up window. If any of the outcomes of the underlying metrics are below the action line and are "red", it is visible in the color of the button, as is the number of metrics.

Skapa nya åtgärder

Create new actions


Via external form

Each arena and match has a unique web form for entering new actions. Via the web form, the action is added via mobile via a match or its sub-match directly. If you have instead chosen to use an arena's web form, you can choose one of that arena's matches. It is possible to deselect matches in which you should not be able to put actions in, this is done via the main menu under the section Manage actions. All case types are reported via one and the same web form, where each case type has its own design in terms of fill fields. In the main menu under Manage actions, each case type fill field can be set. The web form can be uploaded as an icon on, for example, the home screen / home screen of the mobile phone or tablet. Which for the user becomes like an app an easy and fast way to the web form. The web form does not require a login and can therefore also be used for people who are not registered as users in the web application.

  • Click on the link to the web form or scan in its QR code (alternatively, if the form's web page is set up as an icon / app in mobile or tablet, click the World Cup icon on the home / home screen).

  • If it is possible to enter actions in several matches, you first choose which match the action is to be entered in.

  • If you have several case types activated, then select the type of case for which you are to report an action.

  • The filling in field of the web form is then changed based on the selected case type.

  • Fill in the fields that are relevant and / or mandatory (fields marked with * = mandatory).

  • If the field Submitter or similar is available, feel free to fill in your e-mail address there, and your submitted actions will be linked to your user and you will receive notifications via email when the case is handled.

  • Attach a document or image, if that field is included in the web form.

  • Click the Save button.

  • If there is no info in any mandatory field, the web form will say and flag red on the part that is missing. Then complete with that information before saving again.


Upload an action directly to the web application via the computer

  • Go to the Actions tab in the current match.

  • Click the "+" symbol in the title bar of any status column

  • Alternatively, drag a new card from the New Card button located above the Incoming status column. You can then drag the card to the status column you want and directly select where in the order of the action cards the new action is to be placed. If the selected case type has no mandatory fields, the card is placed directly in the status column, otherwise the form is unfolded and the mandatory fields are marked in red.

  • Select the type of case for which you are to report an action.

  • The form field is then changed based on the selected case type.

  • Fill in the fields that are relevant and / or mandatory.

  • Attach a document or image, if that field is included in the form.

  • Click the Save button.

  • If there is no info in any mandatory field, the web application will say and flag red on the part that is missing. Then complete with that information before saving again.

  • If necessary, then open the card by clicking on the card and add sub-measures with the person responsible / executor and ready at the latest.

  • Drag the card to the desired location in the list (new ports default at the top) by "drag-and-drop" via the symbol with the arrows located in the upper right corner of the case card.

  • The number next to the "+" symbol indicates how many action cards there are in each column.

Post an action via a template and scheduling

For recurring actions, templates can be set up. This is done via the Main Menu, ie the button with the gears at the top right, then select Manage Actions (however, requires Manager / admin permission). The template then becomes visible and can be selected in the web form to the right of the field with the selected action type. These templates can also be scheduled, ie your recurring activities / measures can be automatically posted in selected activities / matches. You can also choose in which status column they should be posted as such as Incoming or Ongoing. The function is under the main menu button with the "gear" and the option Manage actions (however, requires Manager / admin permission).

Övergripande funktionalitet

Overall functionality

1. Display mode with all columns

  • Move individual action cards within and between columns by dragging the "drag-and-drop" symbol with the arrows in the upper right corner of the action cards. If mandatory fields based on the new column's presets are not filled in, the card is opened so that you have to fill them in before you can save the action card in the new status column.

  • Update the status bar (0-100%) by clicking on the bar.

  • Click on the star, ie star mark for example to enter prio, the star is also a quick filter.

  • It is possible to set a color marking in the upper left corner of the action card per case type, which then more clearly shows which case type the measure belongs to.

Collapsed column

  • Unfold the column by clicking on a status column header or action card.

  • To see details and update individual information, use the action card's menu buttons.

  • Move action cards within the column by drag-and-drop. These can also be moved to other columns in the unfolded display mode, they then always end up at the bottom of the new status column.

  • Return to the display mode with all columns by clicking on the column header or somewhere outside the unfolded column.

Unfolded action card

  • Click on an action card.

  • The action card is then opened up to an expanded position incl. that at the bottom of the action card, any inserted sub-measures are folded out. Move these sub-actions among themselves by dragging the "drag-and-drop" symbol with the arrows, which is at the far left of the line for the sub-action.

  • The title, descriptive text and status bar (0-100%) can be changed directly in the card without having to save.

  • Via the symbols, ie the action cards' menu buttons, it is possible to quickly or easily add or change information. See description below of the menu buttons.

4. Filtering shows selected action cards

  • Click the funnel above the status column headings and select the filter.

  • The choice is visible in the header.

  • Current filtering is removed via the filter's "Empty filter" button or via the "x" button which shows which filter is used, is displayed above the status column headings.

  • The star acts as a quick filter, click on the star and all cards that have it checked are displayed.

  • When filtering on one or more users, the option "Show only unimplemented actions" appears.

  • Tip! Filter on "Last updated" to find outdated which simplifies a "cleaning".

  • It is also possible to filter on shared actions "to" or "from" another activity / match.

5. The search function

  • Via the search box on the right-hand side above the column headings, it is possible to search for free text action cards.


Åtgärdskortens menyknappar

The action cards' menu buttons

Click on the current action card, which is then expanded to editor mode so that additional info and menu buttons become visible as below.



  • Click on the symbol alt on the action card and the list of sub-actions will collapse. The symbol shows how many sub-measures there are and how many of these are clearly marked, for example 2/3. If a timed partial action is delayed, it can be seen by the button changing to red.

2. Responsible

  • If several are participating, it is visible with a "+". The first person in charge in the list is shown in the symbol as first letter in first name + first two letters in last name. If another person in charge is posted in addition to the person who is logged in, he or she will receive an automatic email with information that he or she is responsible for the measure / sub-measure.


3. Ready at the latest

  • Click on the symbol and navigate in the calendar and choose the latest date. When the card is dragged to the status column "Follow-up", a new date can be added for "Follow-up last". The date that applied in the status column Ongoing is saved and a new date for when the follow-up should be completed can thus be entered instead.


Connection to metrics and / or own tags

  • Here you can link, ie tag an action against a metric and / or your own tag. The number indicates how many connections, ie tags, there are.

5. Appendix

  • Here you can upload one or more attachments. The number indicates how many attachments there are.


6. Logbook

  • Here you can see the case history and you can also add your own comments.

7. More information

  • Here you can see the information that may have been entered in form fields for which there are no shortcut buttons.

8. Edit all fields

  • Opens the entire case form with all its fields.

9. Division of action

  • Share an action with one or more other matches / activities. The number in the symbol indicates how many divisions there are.​ The action ends up at the top of the recipient's status column Incoming.


10. Copy, Tip, Move or Delete action

  • "Copy": creates a copy in the same match.

  • "Tip": creates a copy that is placed in one or more other matches.

  • "Move on": moves the card to another match.

  • There is also an option to delete an action.

  • In all cases, the card ends up in the column "Incoming". All sub-measures remain, but deadlines and those responsible are removed.

11. Status completed

  • Click on the list to change the percentage for what percentage of the action has been completed. The color of the list as well as the face is controlled by the time specified under "Done last". Is there time left = green color, the time has recently passed clearly last date = yellow color, the time has since a month passed clearly latest date = red color. It is possible to set for each case type when the colors are to be changed, this is done via the main menu and the option Manage actions. Click the type of action you want to change.


12. Move sub-actions among themselves in the list

  • Move sub-actions among yourself by dragging the "drag-and-drop" symbol with the arrows, which is located at the far left of the line for the sub-action.


  • If you want to comment on an event and individual point in a diagram, click on the current measuring point to bring up a comment box.

  • Enter the comment and then click on "Save".

  • That there is a comment posted is shown by the current point getting a ring around it. Use "mouse-over" to see the comment, or click on the measuring point again.

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Winning the Match is based on basic ideas from TQM, Lean and balanced scorecards that during 25 years of application work in most industries have since been refined into a winning concept.

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