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Basic manual

You can either log in with a general user ID or with your individual e-mail.


If your organization has chosen to use general login, contact the system administrator for the correct information.


If you have chosen to use individual logins, you must have received an email with instructions on how to choose a password. Forgot your password? Click "Forgot your password?" you will receive an email with information on how to choose a new one. You will not receive an email  are you not registered as a user. In that case, contact the system administrator who sets you up as a user.

Sign in

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When you log in, you end up directly in your own match. If a user is posted at arena level, that user ends up when logging in to the first match based on alphabetical order.

You can navigate between matches by clicking on the list symbol in the upper left corner. If you have access to several arenas (match trees) you will see the matches and arenas that are available.

All users can watch all matches in one arena. Users with Manager / admin rights have editing rights for their own match and for underlying matches.

Users with Manager / admin rights can post new matches and users. All users can  make suggestions for action in all matches.

Sign in >>

Performance measures

The performance measures are linked to what the unit's / department's activities are about. To succeed with these is to win your match. Use the group's competence and creativity to constantly strive for an improvement of the performance measures. Focus on trends more than individual outcomes.

  • The status symbol (face) shows how to approach the target and the action limit for the most recent measuring point:

    1. Green means that the goal is reached.

    2. Yellow means that the action limit is reached but not the goal.

    3. Red means that the action limit is not reached, which requires action.


  • If you click on the Status symbol (face) in a measure, you are automatically moved to the Action tab where the measures / improvements that are tagged for that measure have been filtered out. Click on the symbol with a +, in the title bar of any status column, to create a new action / enhancement.

  • In the menu of measurements there is a button with two intersecting lines, via it you can switch between showing time series or accumulated. It is also possible via that button (requires Chef / admin permission), to set how the accumulated is to be displayed.

  • Via the button with the paper clip, it is possible to open up any documents that have been uploaded in the measure. The figure shows how many appendices there are.

  • If there is a comment linked to a measuring point, that point has a ring around it, see separate section Comments.

  • Via the symbol with an "i" that has a ring around it, is to the right of the name of the measure, further info about the measure can be read. Then use the function  "mouse over".

  • Any measurements that are hidden can easily be temporarily accessed by clicking on the "Show hidden" button which is located at the bottom right under the measurements.

  • The diagrams can be moved between the tabs Performance Measures and Control Measures, but also between different activities / matches. This is done via the diagrams' menu button with the gears and the option Change diagram.


  • It is possible to  lay  up  diagram / measurement number behind another to, for example, break down and show the outcome per unit / group. These are accessed via a button in the diagram at the bottom left and displayed in a pop-up window. If any of the outcomes of the underlying metrics are below the action line and are "red", it is visible in the color of the button, as is the number of metrics.

Flytta diagram m drag-and-drop.png

Flytta diagram enkelt via "drag-and-drop" symbolen uppe till höger i diagrammen. Tidigare styrdes inbördes placering via bokstavs-/sifferordning.

Manage actions


You handle your case types and their actions under the Actions tab.

The web application is adapted to be able to maintain the analog working method but in a digital environment - a so-called digital lean board. You have moved the action cards between you in a status column or between status columns by clicking and dragging the symbol with arrows  in four directions, the symbol is located  at the top right of the action cards .

Anyone who is set up as a whistleblower and / or responsible for a measure or a partial measure receives notifications via e-mail. Partly when they are posted via someone else as an informant and / or responsible and partly when the action card changes status column, for example from Incoming to Ongoing.

Here you can:

  • Post and handle different types of cases such as Improvement, Deviation, Accidents, Incidents, Customer point of view (case types in addition to Improvement must first be added via the main menu under the section Manage actions).

  • Link the actions to your own uploaded tags (tags must first be added below via the main menu under the section Manage actions).

  • Copy, Tip and Move actions between matches.

  • Divide an action between multiple matches / activities.

  • Filter and search for actions.

Visa data bakåt i tiden.png

Både för Resultatmått och Kontrollmått går det att stegvis förflytta sig och visa data bakåt i tiden i diagrammen. Något som tidigare endast kunde visas genom att först byta datum i kalendern ovanför diagrammen.

Control measures

Control measures are indicators that we need to monitor. As long as they are "green", you do not need to put any energy on them, but if they are "red", it causes action.

  • To see a trend of a control measure, ie the development over time, click on the button with two intersecting lines in the lower left corner of each diagram. Then a line diagram over time is visible via a pop-up window, ie measured values for several measuring points back in time. If a measurement number flags red, it is then possible to evaluate whether it is a one-time problem or if there are any more basic concerns.

  • Then click on the Status symbol (face) to move to the Action tab and at the same time filter out the actions / improvements that are tagged to that measure. Click on the symbol with a +, in the title bar of any status column, to create a new action / enhancement.


  • In the menu of measurements there is a button with two intersecting lines, via it you can switch between showing time series or accumulated. It is also possible, for users with the permission of Manager / admin, to set how accumulated is to be displayed via that button.  

  • If there is a comment linked to a measuring point, that point has a ring around it, see separate section Comments.

  • Via the symbol with an "i" which has a ring around it and which is to the right of the name of the measure, further info about the measure can be read. Then use the "mouse over" function.

  • Via the symbol with an "i" which has a ring around it and which is located to the right of the date stamp which shows when the latest data is entered, a pop-up box can show the data of the diagram via a "mouse-over". It then shows the period's target / action limit, reference values, the previous year's outcome and any accumulated values.

  • Any measurements that are hidden can easily be temporarily accessed by clicking on the "Show hidden" button which is located at the bottom right under the measurements.


  • The diagrams can be moved between the tabs Performance Measures and Control Measures, but also between different activities / matches. This is done via the diagrams' menu button with the gears and the option Change diagram.


  • It is possible to put up diagrams / measurement figures behind another to, for example, break down and show the outcome per unit / group. These are accessed via a button in the diagram at the bottom left and displayed in a pop-up window. If any of the outcomes of the underlying metrics are below the action line and are "red", it is visible in the color of the button, as is the number of metrics.

Skifta mellan linje och mätare via inställning.png
Skifta mellan linje och mätare.png

Under både Resultatmått samt Kontrollmått går det numera att under Ändra diagram att välja vilken typ av diagram som ska visas. Det går även att tillfälligt skifta typ av diagram via knappen "Mätare" som ligger under diagrammet.

Slå av och på datalinjer via en lager-knapp

Ställ in info i lager.png
Visa mer info i lager.png

Under valet Ändra diagram, som återfinns under knappen med kugghjulen, kan ni välja om vissa datalinjer ska kunna slås av och på genom knappen Lager. Vilken ligger nere till höger i diagrammet.

Förstora upp och visa ett diagram i taget

Förstora ett diagram.png
Växla mellan bilder i förstorat läge och återgå.png

Nere till vänster i diagrammen finns en förstoringsknapp. Klicka på den så visas bara det diagrammet på skärmen och i ett förstorat läge.
I det förstorade visningsläget går det sedan att stegvis växla till nästa eller föregående diagram, via pil-knapparna eller via datorns pil-tangenter. Underlättar för att vid ett målstyrningsmöte inför arbetslaget kunna sätta fokus på ett mätetal åt gången.
Klicka bort visningsläget via knappen med ett kryss uppe till höger om diagrammet eller via datorns ESC-knapp.

Ändra till ackumulerat värde

Ackumulerat knapp.png

Ändra via ett knapptryck till ackumulerat visningsläge.

All data visas i pop-up via mus-över på en linje

Pop-up-fönster med all data för en mätpunkt.png

För musen över en linje så visas numera all data kopplat till den mätpunkten i ett pop-up fönster. Även inlagda kommentarer för mätpunkten visas, i exemplet nedan texten "Test".
Kommentarer för en mätpunkt läggs in genom att du klickar på en mätpunkt. Då dyker ett pop-up fönster upp där kommentaren skrivs in. Att det finns en kommentar inlagd visas sedan som en ring runt mätpunkten.

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  • Vinna Matchens LinkedIn

Winning the Match is based on basic ideas from TQM, Lean and balanced scorecards that during 25 years of application work in most industries have since been refined into a winning concept.

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